Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dr. Richard Davis January Letter to Editor

Here we go into another election year. I hope to make this one a little different. I believe that continuing the campaign process as it has been will continue to bring the results it has been providing. Therefore:

  1. I will take no campaign contributions; buy no yard signs, bumper stickers or ads. The 4+ million dollars the other parties put into the last campaign would have served any number of better uses on the Shore. Keep your money here.

  1. I will have little or nothing to say about my opponents as individuals. I have little doubt they are fine, honorable people. Their parties, however, have spent us into near (if not complete) bankruptcy. They have, for seventy five years, expanded the size, scope, and power of the federal government at the expense of the individual citizens. They have repeatedly and almost systematically subverted the limits placed on the federal government by the Constitution. They have maintained American troops in foreign countries long beyond any reasonable need or justification, waging at least seven wars of varying length without any Congressional declaration of war.

  1. I will do my best to communicate with the voters through these letters, which will also be on my website ( and will welcome any opportunities to address any groups who contact me. (I prefer to answer questions on issues of concern to such groups, rather than wasting your time with broad speeches that may pass by your individual concerns.)

Please contact me!


Richard J. Davis D.D.S.

Libertarian for Congress, First District

1 comment:

  1. It all starts with a libertarian individual freedom, single pebble droppers. “Don’t make waves,” and “Don’t rock the boat,” yet, no one has ever seen a boat going anywhere that was not making waves and rocking from side to side, making the placid water choppy. For new start-ups and jobs we need to continue welcoming the wave-making pebble-droppers or secure the peace of the pond. Governing elite tell us the interests of the pond, the community, are more important than are the interests of the individual, the pebble-dropping wave makers. Pebble-droppers made America what it is today, giving form and shape to our American Evolution. Pebble droppers made us prosperous and only they can keep us prosperous. Without pebble droppers, America will have no prosperity, no growth, no entrepreneurs, no small business and no new jobs. Government managers cannot control pebble droppers, only prevent their disturbing behavior. See Save Pebble Droppers & Prosperity on and
