by Mike Calpino
The day after the election the Federal Reserve announced it was going to engage in "Quantitative easing" to the tune of $600 billion dollars over the next eight months. Commodities have already reacted to this, with gold, oil and other raw materials rising rapidly. We are to expect inflation after supposedly going through an extended period without it. If we go though a time of even double digit inflation, we should consider ourselves very fortunate. If it were a different time in our history, perhaps that is what we could expect. We have, however, put ourselves into a very precarious position with our debt and liabilities. What I would like to give you is a short history lesson because nations have gone through this before and the causes are easy to determine.
Our more recent example is Chile which went through a hyperinflationary period in the early seventies. In 1970 Salvador Allende was elected. Allende was a hard core socialist and brought together other socialists, communists and hard leftists to begin implementing changes (transforming) Chile into a socialist workers paradise. Even though we have apparently rejected President Obama’s socialist/communist agenda, he and his leftist czars will still wield a lot of power and it is unlikely any of the damage he has done will be repealed.
Allende took the land from "the rich" and gave it to the workers. We have been redistributing wealth for years but President Obama and the Democrat congress doubled down on this, constantly demonizing the "rich". Allende nationalized companies and mines. While we certainly protest against the nationalization of the industries that have taken place, in America nationalization isn’t really necessary. Industries and companies can be controlled just as easily through regulation and tax policy, both of which are moving out of the hands of elected officials and into the bureaucracy, a bureaucracy controlled by the executive branch which is run by leftists, socialists and in some cases, admitted communists.