Saturday, October 30, 2010

Great Quotes from Maryland Libertarians

"I fully oppose universal healthcare, and believe that any attempt to do so on a state level would be disastrous. Involving an already overburdened government bureaucracy in patient management would slow down the process and add hidden “administrative costs” to an already expensive system. The first step in improving health care in this state is through eliminating fraud and abuse, not increasing the size and scope of it. "

Jusitn Kinsey

Candidate for Maryland House of Delegates, District 5B

Liberty's Companions

"It is good for one to be free, and we would cherish Liberty even if she traveled alone, but she does not. Because Prosperity and Peace are both the companions of Liberty."

—Charles Goyette

Great Quotes from Maryland Libertarians

"Wow can you beleive that business owners were informed they would have to pay over $1,300.00 per employee they hire for unemployment insurance. They were told this is an attemp to create jobs. Isn't that like saying if you chop down a cherry tree it will grow more fruit."

Shawn Quinn
Candidate Maryland House of Delegates, District 29C

Friday, October 29, 2010

Baltimore Sun: Democrats Promoting Libertarian to undermine Harris

In what appears to be a national pattern, the Democratic Party is highlighting a longshot third-party candidate in an effort to undermine a Republican nominee--in this case, Andy Harris, the GOP challenger in Maryland's tightest House race.

The tactic is either a desperation move, or a sign of how close the contest is, or both. It has special resonance in Maryland's First District, where the Libertarian candidate's two percent of the vote arguably tipped the historically Republican seat to Democrat Frank Kratovil in '08.

The Democratic mailer, first reported by Eastern Shore blogger Michael Swartz, masquerades as an attack on Richard Davis, the third man in the race, running again this year on the Libertarian line, with no realistic chance of winning.Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the flier describes Davis, twice, as an outsider and Tea Party type.

Davis "plans to cut government spending, will drastically reduce the size of government across the board, is a complete outsider . . . Davis and the Tea Party think government is part of the problem, and want to make it as small as possible."

"Richard Davis: Is he too conservative?" asks the mail piece.

Read the rest of the article at the Baltimore Sun

Your View: Libertarian agenda is to give you back control

Can we afford it? I suspect you’re way ahead of me here. I won’t try to discuss the national debt, beyond that it’s rising faster than I can write about it, much less get this into print. We are running this country as if we hold it on an interest-only mortgage, and we’ve been seeing how well those generally work out.

On any given issue, even if we can do it and we should do it, that doesn’t mean we can afford it right now. The idea that we can simply borrow or print more money won’t carry us forever. Better we end those practices while we still have hope of being in control of the situation rather than waiting for disaster to dictate to us.

This will be my last letter before the election, so let me urge you all to vote. If you want government to take care of you (and run your life, which ultimately must follow), either the Republicans or the Democrats are happy to accommodate — it just depends on whose format you prefer.

If you want to run your own life — and correspondingly, take care of yourself and your loved ones — then right now, the Libertarian Party is the only one seeking to give you the greatest possible opportunity. I won’t claim it will be quick or easy, but if you can imagine a future where the federal government doesn’t even try to control everything — vote Libertarian.

Dr. Richard J. Davis, Hurlock
Davis is a Libertarian candidate for Maryland’s 1st Congressional District. — Editor

Wicomcio County Libertarian Endorsed by the Daily Times

District 2
District 2 is geographically the county's largest district, located south and west of District 1 from the West Side of Salisbury to the Nanticoke River and western end of the county. It has been represented for the past 12 years by Stevie Prettyman, who as an incumbent is facing her first opponent for the seat. A Republican, she supports low taxes, efficient use of taxpayer dollars and the county's 2 percent property tax revenue cap as long as county residents wish to keep it in place. She supports the efforts of law enforcement and is engaged in the process of writing a new Comprehensive Plan for the county; she opposes "downzoning," which was designed to preserve farmland in the county but opposed by farmers who wished to retain the right to subdivide and develop their land if they so desired.

Her opponent, Mike Calpino, is not a Democrat; he is running as a Libertarian but describes himself as a tea party candidate. He advocates minimal government intrusion into the lives of individual citizens, but recognizes the need for some functions. He is a resident of Nanticoke who is engaged in his rural community and is personally familiar with the issues that concern residents of the far western portion of the county --the Westside Community Center and the Cove Point Beach parking controversy, for example. On his website, he quotes Ayn Rand and the founding fathers when describing his political philosophy. He also has lengthy sections devoted specifically to Wicomico County issues --budget, business climate, revenue cap, school board and public sector compensation among them. It is clear he has spent a great deal of time researching, considering and coming up with specific ideas about how county government should operate, within the framework of his minimalist concept of government.

Prettyman has had 12 years on the County Council and during that time, provided adequate -- if not visionary -- representation. Calpino, while advocating some radically unorthodox proposals, would also inject some truly fresh ideas for the rest of the council to consider. Those new considerations could have a positive influence on the way our county does business, even if not adopted as presented. We urge District 2 voters to give Calpino an opportunity to test his ideas by electing him to serve on the council.

Daily Times County Council Endorsements

Great Quotes from Maryland Libertarians

"It is not the government’s place to restrict gaming. Slot machines, casinos and private gambling should be decriminalized. Casino tax revenue would provide assistance in eroding the state’s budget deficit."

Brandon Brooks
Candidate for Maryland House of Delegates, District 11

Great Quotes from Maryland Libertarians

"This is an issue on which many Libertarians differ, because the very first question we need to resolve is whether there is one life at stake or two. Because I believe there are two lives involved, I believe each life deserves to be protected from any physical harm caused by the other. I recognize, of course, that many good people disagree, and in some states they may be in the majority. But the federal Constitution simply does not settle this issue, and we should restore the states' autonomy over abortion regulation."

Mark Grannis
Candidate for Congress, 8th District

Great Quotes from Maryland Libertarians

"The Federal Government should not be subsidizing anything. American companies need to sink or swim based on their abilities. When the government subsidizes business, it interferes with the free market. This confers an unfair advantage to certain businesses or industries and interferes with competition, ultimately hurting consumers.

This also burdens the taxpayer who ends up paying twice for goods or services. Firstly when their tax dollars are given to a business, and secondly when they purchase a product. This also puts the government in the position of choosing winners and losers in the marketplace. This is not a legitimate function of our government and must be ended immediately.

I say let American consumers decide which products and/or services will flourish, not the government."

H. Gavin Shickle
Candidate for U.S Congress, 5th District

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Great Quotes from Maryland Libertarians

"We need to end the war on drugs. Those who want to use are already using. We are just creating a black market which creates crime. If we end the war on drugs we could save over $13 billion dollars. As a cavat I would add that the same liberty that give a person the right to use drugs also give an employer the right to drug test and fire anyone who test positive for drugs. An employer has the right to conditions for a contract for employment."
Dan Massey
Candidate for Congress, 6th District


"It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government."

— Thomas Paine

Great Quotes from Maryland Libertarians

"Government is instituted to secure impartial justice and to protect the citizens and their property. We allow government to assume roles beyond these, for whatever reason, at our peril. Unfortunately, we have seen the results of governments that have gone beyond these bounds at all levels. They cost too much, take too much money and liberty, foster corruption and create many more problems than they solve. It is time to put government back into it proper role. "
Mike Calpino
District Candidate for Wicomico County Council

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Great Quotes from Maryland Libertarians

"PEACEFUL people should be able to cross borders PEACEFULLY for PEACEFUL purposes. What's going on along the southern border between the United States and Mexico is not an open border. I am tired of hearing that it's an open border. We don't have an open border any more than Sarajevo had open streets when people had to dodge bullets from snipers on rooftops. What we have on our southern border is chaos, mayhem and horrific crimes.
People's property is being invaded, people are being kidnapped and murdered; women trying to cross the border (admittedly illegally) are being raped. The march across the border becomes a death march. Who does this benefit? I guess the people whose only goal is cheap labor. It has some benefit for those who make it in, IF they make it on the death march through the desert, since they can work, etc. "

Candidate for U.S. Congress, District 2: Lorenzo Gaztañaga