Friday, December 18, 2009

Stuart Smalley - Didn't Take Long

It certainly did not take very long for Senator Al Franken to make an ass of himself. In all that is wrong with Washington, Franken's display of ignorant disrespect to a long standing member of the United States Senate has perfectly fit in to the story of the decline of Washington Politics. If this does not motivate Americans that Real Change across the board is needed, I do not know what will.

However, I am surprised that it took so long for Franken to show his true colors of idiocy that is his personality. He certainly needs to some home training and thank God he is not a Libertarian.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dr. Davis' December Letter to Editor

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. For many, possibly for most, my hope is that they will be merrier and happier than the last two.

I’d like to challenge everyone who reads this to think about what they might do to make the holidays, both religious and secular, happier for all Americans and for people everywhere.

I believe that this country remains the best hope for much of the world. Founders from Washington and Jefferson to Franklin and Adams felt that the only hope for the republic they created lay in a citizenry well educated and informed, virtuous and fair-minded. As our democracy has been extended to more and more of the population, this does not change.

For more than a hundred years we Americans have, in varying degrees, tried to push our ideas of government on much of the rest of the world. In doing so, we have begun to lose much of what our form of government has to offer both ourselves and the rest of the world.

At this time when people seek peace and make New-Year’s resolutions, I challenge you to do all you can to make yourself that educated, informed, fair-minded and virtuous citizen and voter. None of us are perfect, but as we enter another election year, let us try again to become an example of freedom and justice for the world, not a world-policeman or an empire.


Richard J. Davis, D.D.S.

Libertarian candidate for Congress

Monday, December 14, 2009

Chris Bush Analyzes The Governor's Race

Originally Posted on the MD-Lib Discussion Board by Doug McNeil

Note: Chris Bush is a well-known Maryland blogger who writes extensively
about utility regulation and other political issues. He's a progressive who
favors re-regulation to reverse the recent electricity rate increases, which
(as he correctly notes) is not a position that we agree with. But he likes
us anyway, and he's happy that we're running.

I'm pleased to see that the word about our campaign is starting to get
out, even at this early stage, and that it's generating considerable interest
on the left. But I think it's premature to conclude that Ehrlich is
finished and that we might throw the election to O'Malley.

The following is excerpted from his "Electricity Crisis 12-11-09."

-- Doug McNeil

End of the Road for Ehrlich: Libertarians Running Candidate for Governor

~ Bobby was Already Behind in the Polls to O'Malley- Even though MOM
Himself in Trouble Electorally
~ w/ a Libertarian Candidate Running for Governor, Too, Ehrlich will NOT
Win for Sure
~ the Libertarian Party has Nominated Susan Gaztanaga for Governor in 2010
~ The Libertarians Certainly Will Peel Off Ehrlich Votes- the LAST Thing
that Bobby Needs
~ the Tea Party Activists May Also Turn to the Libertarians as Well-or
Possibly the Constitution Party- as the GOP has Become so Corrupt in Maryland
~ AND, Recent Polling by Rasmussen- as Referenced on WBAL 1090 AM's C4
Show on Wed., Dec. 9, 2009, During the 1:37pm Segment- Indicate that MORE
Folks Would Back the Tea Party, if It Were on the Ballot, than the Republican
~ In Maryland, the Libertarian Party or Constitution Party (which Does NOT
Yet Have a Guv Nominee) Will be the Platform to Manifest Those Tea Party
~ While Susan Gaztanaga is Anti-Regulation in General- NOT Good News for
BGE Customers- She's Also HONEST and Would NOT be a Lackey for Constellation
Energy Like O'Malley AND Ehrlich
~ Also, Susan's Husband Lorenzo- Who's Running for Congress in the 2nd
Congressional District Against Dutch Ruppersberger (Chris Bush Supported
Gaztanaga for the Same Contest in 2008)- SUPPORTS Decentralized, Cheap Energy
for Households, the Kind that Comes from Solar
~ Assuming that Susan is of Like View, At Least There'd be a Governor
Trying to Help with Individual Homeowner's Electricity Bills Via Solar
~ However, Solar is NOT a Viable Alternative Currently- ONLY when
Ultra-Thin Film Solar Foil Becomes Available Will this Change- UNless there are Tax
Credits and Renewable Energy Credits: More in a Future EC on Gaztanaga's
View on Solar and Renewable Energy
~ As a Result, the GOP Should Run a PRO-Regulation Candidate for Governor,
Like EJ Pipkin- Who, UNlike Ehrlich, does NOT Have Baggage and Thus COULD
Beat O'Malley: if Not, there's NO REASON Why Phant Voters Should NOT Cast
Their Ballots for the Libertarian Candidate Instead, Again, as Polls Show
Ehrlich LOSING to MOM
~ Many Tea Party Activists in Maryland are ALSO Anti-BGE, so Pipkin's
Position Will Have more Resonance for Them (Although Tea Baggers Tend to be
More Right-Wing than Pipkin on Other Issues)
~ On the Other Hand, Voting for Robert Ehrlich Will be Throwing AWAY One's
Vote Should the Bobster's Arrogance Tempt Him into Running Again
~ Chris Bush Calls on the Green Party to Run a PRO-REGULATION Candidate
for Governor as Well, to Pressure O'Malley on the Left
~ This Writer is NOT in Favor of Splitting the Republican Base to Give
O'Malley a Re-Election
~ Indeed, for You Progressives Out There, Let's Get Behind a Green
Candidate to Pull Votes from O'Malley, Which Will Encourage Anti-GOP Conservatives
to Vote Libertarian
~ Some of Those Independent Righties Might Not Vote Libertarian- Assuming
Pipkin is the Nominee w/ a Real Chance to Win- if they Think O'Malley Will
Benefit, But if They See Progressives Gaining Ground on the Left, They'll
Feel More Comfortable Breaking w/ Ehrlich and/or Pipkin, and Sending the
GOP a Message
~ Picture This: a 4 Party Contest for Governor in 2010: Dem, Repub,
Libertarian, Green
~ the Political Environment Only IMPROVES if the Two Party Duopoly is
Broken Up!!!!
~ (NOTE: more on the "Tea Bagger" controversy, including a recent segment
on The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC on 12-04-09, as well as an email from
the caller to WBAL 1090 AM who started it all, James Madigan)-cb
~ (NOTE 2: yours truly does NOT speak FOR, nor speak on behalf, of ANY
other group, individual- including Sen. Pipkin or Susan Gaztanaga)-cb
~ (Source:; link; "EC
12-03-09" email attachment)
~ Analysis by Chris Bush

For feds, more get 6-figure salaries

USA Today has published an article pointing to the incredible increase of Federal Employees that have Salaries over $100,000 and $150,000 per year, before bonuses and benefits. This has happened during the current recession's first 18 months.

This was recommended under President Bush and is being continued under President Obama. In a time when we should be cutting government spending and reducing it's overall size, we are witnessing an unprecedented period of expansion. This has occurred under the watch of both Republicans and Democrats.

We have a federal government model that is offering services that are outside the scope of it's responsibility. Government has become to invasive, to large, bloated, redundant, and an incredible burden on the back of taxpayers. The debt that has been mounted in the name of the American Taxpayer is criminal and even worse, elected officials are in no hurry to eliminate it.

The other major issue is when State and Local governments follow the failed model of the Federal Government. Every level of government is threatened when these typed of flawed policies are implemented. Taxpayers get stuck with the burden of debt at every level.

The first thing to understand with our current Government Fiscal situations is that we do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Looking at the ridiculous amount of pork that is wasted on a daily basis is a good place to start cutting. Implementing the holy philosophy of "No Sacred Cows" is very important.

Then we need to begin streamlining, consolidating, and eliminating programs, departments, and wasteful services. The IRS is good place to start.