Monday, January 17, 2011

A Message from Dr. Richard Davis

The election is past and the new Congress is in office, so it is time for me to send two messages.

First, to the 10,875 people who thought outside the Democrat-Republican “box” and voted for me, thank you all!

Second, to all the Tea-Partiers who ASSURED me that THIS time the Republicans have learned their lesson and will get it right, I really hope you’re right but WATCH CLOSELY. I’ve been waiting and watching since 1971, and occasional flashes of hope followed by major disappointment have been the pattern.

In fact, though I didn’t learn of it until about 20 years later, the Libertarian Party was formed in 1971 over the distress from the “conservative” Republican Richard Nixon’s imposition of wage and price controls and his taking this country off the gold standard. Since then there have been some tax cuts, but really none in spending, borrowing, or the growth of government size and intrusiveness.

So far the signs seem mixed with the new group in Congress. There seems to be more concern with getting back within the Constitution, but it remains to be seen whether anyone is ready to look at the kinds of cuts it will require to deal with our deficits, let alone our existing debt, and with government overreach. How this goes over the next two years will determine how much you hear from me like this.

Richard J. Davis, D.D.S.

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