Monday, May 10, 2010

Candidate Spotlight - Lorenzo Gaztañaga

Lorenzo Gaztañaga is the Maryland Libertarian Party's District 2 Congressional candidate. In a series of 10 questions we have asked Mr. Gaztañaga he expresses some of hose views and where he stands on the issues. This is the first in that series.

Question: To be elected by the citizens of your district is a great honor. What is the reason that caused you to decide to run for Congress?

Answer: In close analysis, congressional office, if one follows the Constitution, is even more important than that of President. For one, Congress contains the direct representatives of the people of the United States. Congress is the body that can approve or disapprove the most serious act that any nation can carry out, and that is war. With the two current wars, that are illegal, and the Patriot Act a violation of the Bill of Rights, Congress has both abdicated its responsibilities and also circumvented its reason for being, in the process betraying the American people, specifically with the Patriot Act which potentially makes anyone a target as an enemy of the country and the state. After everything is said and done, whether taxes, commerce, free markets or the lack thereof, these three things—that is, the two wars and the Patriot Act—could potentially destroy the country and its very reason for being. We need an individual representing the Second District in Maryland who will address this cancer without mincing words or falling prey to the accusations that such an attitude will imperil our national security, someone who will reverse the path taken by the incumbent, Dutch Ruppersberger. Front and center, that’s why I’m running for Congress.

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