Monday, December 14, 2009

For feds, more get 6-figure salaries

USA Today has published an article pointing to the incredible increase of Federal Employees that have Salaries over $100,000 and $150,000 per year, before bonuses and benefits. This has happened during the current recession's first 18 months.

This was recommended under President Bush and is being continued under President Obama. In a time when we should be cutting government spending and reducing it's overall size, we are witnessing an unprecedented period of expansion. This has occurred under the watch of both Republicans and Democrats.

We have a federal government model that is offering services that are outside the scope of it's responsibility. Government has become to invasive, to large, bloated, redundant, and an incredible burden on the back of taxpayers. The debt that has been mounted in the name of the American Taxpayer is criminal and even worse, elected officials are in no hurry to eliminate it.

The other major issue is when State and Local governments follow the failed model of the Federal Government. Every level of government is threatened when these typed of flawed policies are implemented. Taxpayers get stuck with the burden of debt at every level.

The first thing to understand with our current Government Fiscal situations is that we do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Looking at the ridiculous amount of pork that is wasted on a daily basis is a good place to start cutting. Implementing the holy philosophy of "No Sacred Cows" is very important.

Then we need to begin streamlining, consolidating, and eliminating programs, departments, and wasteful services. The IRS is good place to start.

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