Thursday, November 19, 2009

Missing the Point

After receiving emails and messages concerning others opinions on my Letter to the Editor, I have decided to respond.

First, I believe the point of the entire editorial was missed. It is not about any one person, the issue is larger than that. Whether Chief Webster is terminated or not, will not affect the crime rate. Chief Webster is not the issue. This obsession with Chief Webster is personal and vindictive.

Second, those that propose to get rid of him have never offered any detailed solutions to reduce crime. Sub-Stations have been proposed and we have talked about the crime numbers and that is about it.

Third, I believe now is the time we need to have the discussion on how do we reduce crime and improve the effectiveness of our Law Enforcement.

Those that choose to make the discussion personal, resort to name calling, and degrading an individuals chosen profession are simply blinded by their own arrogance. They have the audacity to question a concerned taxpaying citizen, voter, and someone who is willing to express their opinion because they care. These actions show their true nature and that they have no alternative plan, proposal, or fresh ideas. This is their M.O. against anyone who may disagree on a particular policy. Unless they can engage in meaningful debate and exchange ideas, I plan on simply ignoring them from this point forward.

What I do propose is this:
  • We should phase in merging all law enforcement agencies in the county. Creating a Public Safety Commissioner (Elected Position). Under the PSC should be the Police Chief, Fire Chief, Fire Marshall, and Emergency Management.
  • Develop strong, anti-crime educational courses in our schools, taught by Law Enforcement.
  • Encourage our legislators to pass mandatory sentencing and fines for all levels of convictions.

These are ideas that may not be the final solution. The problem is, there is nobody offering any solutions except hanging all their hopes on a person or whether we fire someone. Our problems are bigger than any individual, that is why it will require all of us to be engaged in the solutions.


  1. At first, I saw red when Allan Webster's appeared in your editorial. As a close personal friend of the former Chief of Police, i have held a grudge to what was done to him.

    Since that time there has been a stalemate in Salisbury politics and it has affected every aspect of the Government, including the effeciveness of Webster.

    I am not to keen on your proposal of merging Law Enforcement Agencies. I think that would be a mistake but I could be wrong. Over the years there have been proposals, yet none in the recent election. The motto of change carried through to local politics,yet there is apparently no details to to change.

    We need detailed proposals from our elected leaders. If not, we need people to run with ideas and proposals who have the guts to implement them.

  2. As someone who is on the other side of local politics in Salisbury, I will say I disagree with most of your assumptions and points.

    However, I am totally disgusted with the way you were attacked today by Mr. Albero. It does bring to question his motives and why he would ramble on without offering an alternative. I do feel that it is time for change in the Salisbury Police Department and a new Mayor she bring in his own people.

  3. I do feel it would make more sense to merge local governments and get rid of service duplicity. Much more efficiency could be achieved with one police department and one chain of command.

    The idea of a Public Safety Commissioner is very good idea. Some may disagree with such a position but it does make sense and it would bring Wicomico County into the future.

  4. Some disagree with the Fire Chief and Fire Marshall under a Public Safety Commissioner. It gives the sense of an ultimate "the buck stops here."

    It should be an appointed position.

    Good ideas. Hopefully more people will contribute to the solutions.

  5. I just would like to see crime reduced in Salisbury what ever that takes. If that means trying a new police chief, one who will live in the city well lets try it. If it takes a Public Safety Commissioner lets try that. But lets do something or at least try. Lets not try to hide facts like gangs and where the most crime is in the city. And by all means we need to get along, that will go a long way in helping in a lot of ways.
