Monday, May 4, 2009

In Defense of the Revenue Cap

As desired by the Citizens of Wicomico County the Revenue Cap has served it's purpose quite well. I believe it should stay in place. The desire of officials to offer more services, spend more money, and increase revenue is why we voted for it in the first place. Removing or altering it could have major effects on the pocket books of taxpayers.

Consistently creating a budget that won't balance or purposely has shortfalls in it is deceitful. Using it to consistently advocate making changes in the Revenue Cap is irresponsible and only portrays the message of what can't be done. We need leaders to say "this is what can be done" and do it.

Keeping government lean and small is the ultimate goal. Governments need to be less restrictive on businesses and ease their tax burdens. Continually looking for ways into their pockets is not how government should be run.

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